Spectral Sensitivity Curve of X400 PE1 Aviphot Color Negative Film |
Click to View Image Snapshots of Selected March 21, 2011 Northern Gulf of Mexico Shoreline Remediation Activities Observed
With a Mapping Camera
Pelican Island, Alabama Scale 1/4500 - N30 13' 50.9".822 W 88 6' 51.9" |
Horn Island, Mississippi, N30 13'25.3" W88 36'2.2" |
Horn Island, Alabama N30 13'35.9" W88 37'37.0" |
Horn Island, Mississippi, N30 13'57.6" W88 40'28.0 |
Horn Island, Mississippi N30 14'1.6" W88 41'6.3" |
Ship Island, Northern Gulf of Mexico N30 12'50.6" W88 56'53.7" |
Gulf of Mexico Island - North of Little Bayou Pierre, LA N30 9'13.4" W89 11'14.6" 1/9000 Scale |
Gulf of Mexico Island - North of Little Bayou Pierre, LA 1/9000 Scale N30 8'44.8" W39 12'14.7" |
Gulf of Mexico Island - North of Little Bayou Pierre, LA 1/4500 Scale |
Gulf of Mexico Island - North of Little Bayou Pierre, LA 1/4500 Scale N30 9'13.4" W89 11' 14.6" |
Gulf of Mexico Island - North of Little Bayou Pierre, LA 1/4500 Scale |

Gulf of Mexico Island - North of Little Bayou Pierre, LA 1/4500 Scale N30 8'44.8" W39 12'14.7" |